GF FX 5200 issues out of the box


Joe Mallia

I have a new Nvidia 5200 chipset video card. The packing
on the box says AGPTEK. When I boot the PC, just after log
in the screen goes dark and the power indicator on then
the monitor goes from green to amber. If I then boot in
safe mode, I get an unexpected shutdown screen that
says "The driver of the disolay device was unable to
complete a drawing operation. The display driver for the
NVIDIA GeForce 5200 seems to be responsable for the
instability." After this message, the PC works fine at any
color depth or size at the default resolution when in safe
mode,. Once I go back to regular XP the issue reoccurs.
When I load either the drivers that came with the card, or
the windows updated drivers, I get a message saying "can't
load generic.tvp to dictionary" and I continue with the
driver load anyway.
Viewsonics PF790
Asus P4S800
512 Meg RAM
WD 60Gig ATA 100 Drive


Hopefully this will help you. I had the same problem with
an ATI card for almost a year. Eventually I stumbled
across a web site and got lucky. At in the
NVidia Detonator Drivers section there is a file called
nVidia - Nasty File Remover. This handy little program
will identify video drivers in your system and help you
get rid of old ones or ones not in use. I found that I had
over 100 different video drivers and when I was finished I
had only 14. It will detect ati, nvidia, and a couple of
others drivers. Anyway, The problem you speak of was wiped
away for me by using this program. Good luck.

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