Getting Windows Explorer to Open When Camera is Connected...

  • Thread starter Thread starter Guitarmakermark
  • Start date Start date


Hi, Folks....

When I connect my Nikon Coolpix S550 camera via usb to my computer,
(xp home sp2,) I get a dialog asking me to choose between Scanners
Cameras Wizard and another imaging handling program.

Problem is, I don't want either of these two programs to launch by
default when the camera is connected; I want only Windows Explorer to
launch, so that I may treat the camera as just another drive in which
to choose which files to transfer.

Do I need to edit the Registry to fix this, or is there something
to try. If a registry tweak is called for, can someone please
instruct me? I'm familiar with editing the registry.


Hi, John,

Thanks for the quick reply. Oh, how I wish there was an autoplay tab
in the properties sheet for the camera, when connected. No such

There is an "events" tab, which only offers me the Scanners and
Cameras wizard, and another photo editing application; no "Open Folder
to View Files" option, which of course, is what I'm aiming for.

Since there is no dialog box relevant to my goal, I'm guessing I'm
going to need to do a Registry fix in order to get Explorer to open
for me when the camera is connected.

Any ideas??

Thanks again!

Okay, John,

I'll give that a try tonight, and will let you know how it went.


Hello again, John...

Your above-described method works just fine, thank you for that.

I'd like to shortcut the process farther, by editing the registry so
that Explorer will auto-open when the camera is connected, by default.

Any suggestions for a registry tweak to accomplish the above??

I'm too lazy to have to click the camera's desktop icon, after
connecting the camera, lol.....

Thanks again,

Thanks again, John!

Anyone else maybe have a registry tweak I can try??

