This is how my code looks like (I removed the BCC part),
Function R_GetSenderAddress(objMsg)
Dim strType
Dim objSenderAE ' Redemption.AddressEntry
Dim objSMail ' Redemption.SafeMailItem
Const PR_EMAIL = &H39FE001E
Set objSMail = CreateObject("Redemption.SafeMailItem")
objSMail.Item = objMsg
strType = objSMail.Fields(PR_SENDER_ADDRTYPE)
Set objSenderAE = objSMail.Sender
If Not objSenderAE Is Nothing Then
If strType = "SMTP" Then
R_GetSenderAddress = objSenderAE.Address
res = MsgBox(objSenderAE.Address, vbInformation, "Sender")
ElseIf strType = "EX" Then
R_GetSenderAddress = objSenderAE.Fields(PR_EMAIL)
res = MsgBox(objSenderAE.Fields(PR_EMAIL), vbInformation, "Sender")
End If
End If
Set objSenderAE = Nothing
Set objSMail = Nothing
End Function
Function GetFromAddress(objMsg)
' start CDO session
Set objSession = CreateObject("MAPI.Session")
objSession.Logon "", "", False, False
' pass message to CDO
strEntryID = objMsg.EntryID
strStoreID = objMsg.Parent.StoreID
Set objCDOMsg = objSession.GetMessage(strEntryID, strStoreID)
' get sender address
On Error Resume Next
strAddress = objCDOMsg.Sender.Address
If Err = &H80070005 Then
'handle possible security patch error
MsgBox "The Outlook E-mail and CDO Security Patches are " & _
"apparently installed on this machine. " & _
"You must response Yes to the prompt about " & _
"accessing e-mail addresses if you want to " & _
"get the From address.", vbExclamation, _
End If
GetFromAddress = strAddress
Set objCDOMsg = Nothing
Set objSession = Nothing
End Function
Private Sub Application_ItemSend(ByVal Item As Object, Cancel As Boolean)
res = MsgBox(R_GetSenderAddress(Item), vbInformation, "Sender")
res = MsgBox(GetFromAddress(Item), vbInformation, "Sender")
End Sub
When I tried sending an email, this is the error message I received,
Run-time error '-2147221241 (80040107)':
[Collaboration Data Objects -
[Continue(disabled)] [End] [Debug] [Help]
And this is the line that fails,
Set objCDOMsg = objSession.GetMessage(strEntryID, strStoreID)
And R_GetSenderAddress(Item) returns nothing.
Dmitry Streblechenko said:
Please show your code. Indicate which line of code fails.
Dmitry Streblechenko (MVP)
OutlookSpy - Outlook, CDO
and MAPI Developer Tool