Are you using ClickOnce deployment? Is that what you mean when you say
you are using "the publish feature" ?
If so, you can only see the deployment version when you are running the
deployed version. Here's how to get it. Sorry; this is in C#. I really
miss VB...
string ourVersion = string.Empty;
//if running the deployed application, you can get the version
// from the ApplicationDeployment information. If you try
// to access this when you are running in Visual Studio, it will not work.
if (System.Deployment.Application.ApplicationDeployment.IsNetworkDeployed)
ourVersion =
if (_assemblyInfo != null)
ourVersion = _assemblyInfo.GetName().Version.ToString();
This is probably the same thing in VB (no promises, it's been a while):
'if running the deployed application, you can get the version
' from the ApplicationDeployment information. If you try
' to access this when you are running in Visual Studio, it will not work.
Dim ourVersion as String
If System.Deployment.Application.ApplicationDeployment.IsNetworkDeployed
ourVersion =
If _assemblyInfo IsNot Nothing
ourVersion = _assemblyInfo.GetName().Version.ToString();
End If
End If
Good luck; hope this helps.
GoldMail, Inc.