I have a table in Excel 2007 and below the table am creating a range of sums
based on other values in the table.
eg =SUMIF(Table1[Key Ac Alloc],$A73,AE$9:AE$64)
All works fine when the table is un-filtered.
However when applying a filter to one of the columns, the esult of hte SUMIF
is wildly incorrect (much to high...)
How do I solve this?
based on other values in the table.
eg =SUMIF(Table1[Key Ac Alloc],$A73,AE$9:AE$64)
All works fine when the table is un-filtered.
However when applying a filter to one of the columns, the esult of hte SUMIF
is wildly incorrect (much to high...)
How do I solve this?