If your users open your applications directly, this screen should not appear.
Provide them with a shortcut that points to the database file, or better
still, to an intermediate "launcher" file that checks (or sets) some
My users have shortcuts that point to .bat files, which check their local
system to see what version of access they are using, whether their local
client needs updating, and whether any command line arguments should be
passed to the application, for example:
@Echo Off
for /f "usebackq tokens=1-3 delims==, " %%a in (`ftype access.extension.11`)
do set access=%%b
for /f "usebackq tokens=1-3 delims==, " %%a in (`ftype access.extension.12`)
do set access=%%b
Set SClient=\\path\to\server\copy.accde
Set LClient=%temp%\copy.accde
Set workgroup=\\path\to\workgroup.mdw
Set SVerInf=\\path\to\server\version.inf
If Not Exist %temp%\version.inf xcopy %SClient% %temp% /y
If Not Exist %temp%\version.inf xcopy %SVerInf% %temp% /y
If Not Exist %LClient% xcopy %SClient% %temp% /y
For /f %%a in (%SVerInf%) Do Set SVer=%%a
For /f %%a in (%temp%\version.inf) Do Set LVer=%%a
If Not %LVer%==%SVer% xcopy %SClient% %temp% /y
If Not %LVer%==%SVer% xcopy %SVerInf% %temp% /y
start %access% %LCLient% /wrkgrp %workgroup% /cmd %username%
There are, of course, many ways to accomplish this, probably several better
than the above.