i'm developing a helpdesk application on a Windows Form
that loads up a datagrid. the grid is populated by a
select statement. the idea is that when a person loads up
the form, all their open requests will load onto the
datagrid. to edit their request, they need to right-click
and select Edit Request from a context menu. this will
then load up another form with all the details neatly
i have gotten so far as to be able to load up the context
menu on a right click and offer the option of "Edit
Request". I have also managed to capture the X and Y co-
ordinates of wherever the user right-clicked.
so what my application does so far is:
-it loads a datagrid with open requests,
-when a right-click is issued anywhere on the datagrid a
context menu appears offering an "Edit Request" option.
-When this is selected, the x & y co-ordinates of the
right-click are displayed in a message box.
Each row in the datagrid has a ChangeID assigned to it,
so, from the x & y points, i need to be able to capture
the ChangeID from whatever row was right-clicked on. once
i have this ID, i will pass it on to a stored proc which
will then populate the EditRequests form (another form in
my app).
Would anyone have any idea on how to translate x & y co-
ordinates into data?
Any help here would be most appreciated!
Thanks in advance!!!!
i'm developing a helpdesk application on a Windows Form
that loads up a datagrid. the grid is populated by a
select statement. the idea is that when a person loads up
the form, all their open requests will load onto the
datagrid. to edit their request, they need to right-click
and select Edit Request from a context menu. this will
then load up another form with all the details neatly
i have gotten so far as to be able to load up the context
menu on a right click and offer the option of "Edit
Request". I have also managed to capture the X and Y co-
ordinates of wherever the user right-clicked.
so what my application does so far is:
-it loads a datagrid with open requests,
-when a right-click is issued anywhere on the datagrid a
context menu appears offering an "Edit Request" option.
-When this is selected, the x & y co-ordinates of the
right-click are displayed in a message box.
Each row in the datagrid has a ChangeID assigned to it,
so, from the x & y points, i need to be able to capture
the ChangeID from whatever row was right-clicked on. once
i have this ID, i will pass it on to a stored proc which
will then populate the EditRequests form (another form in
my app).
Would anyone have any idea on how to translate x & y co-
ordinates into data?
Any help here would be most appreciated!

Thanks in advance!!!!