Getting rid of startup items?

  • Thread starter Thread starter BillL
  • Start date Start date


Hello all,

Accessing run>msconfig>start-up to disable start-up items I no longer use I
now have a long list of programs I'd like to delete so they don't appear in
the list of start-up apps - how do I do this in XP Home? I remember (during
brief moments of clarity ;-) that running Win98/ME it was simplicity its
self (there was a simple option to remove unused start-up programs) but XP
doesn't supply this option.


BillL said:
Hello all,

Accessing run>msconfig>start-up to disable start-up items I no longer
use I now have a long list of programs I'd like to delete so they
don't appear in the list of start-up apps - how do I do this in XP
Home? I remember (during brief moments of clarity ;-) that running
Win98/ME it was simplicity its self (there was a simple option to
remove unused start-up programs) but XP doesn't supply this option.



Uninstall those programs.
go here...

Read instructions at the top.
Scroll down to:
148. Right hand side.
Click on:
Clear Disabled Items from Msconfig Startup

Clean-up the MSCONFIG startup tab listings - Windows XP

Disabled items are in >>>

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\MSConfig\startupfolder
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\MSConfig\startupreg

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User

BillL said:
Accessing run>msconfig>start-up to disable start-up items I no longer
use I now have a long list of programs I'd like to delete so they
don't appear in the list of start-up apps - how do I do this in XP
Home? I remember (during brief moments of clarity ;-) that running
Win98/ME it was simplicity its self (there was a simple option to
remove unused start-up programs) but XP doesn't supply this option.

Go here and click on the right
side of line 148.
Don't use msconfig to disable startup items in the first place.

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User

Wesley answer is the stupidest answer that I've ever heard, doesn't he know
that numerous programs, when installed, add a startup program for no
apparent reason and the only way to have them not start is via the msconfig
facility. Also, what if your trying to troubleshoot a problem and you want
to disable a program(s) from starting, what does he suggest, remove it using
the add/remove facility and then reinstall it if it doesn't create the
problem??? Use the program I recommended above.
Patrick said:
Wesley answer is the stupidest answer that I've ever heard, doesn't
he know that numerous programs, when installed, add a startup program

Of course he knows that.

for no apparent reason and the only way to have them not start is via
the msconfig facility.

That's completely false. Msconfig is just one of several ways to stop
programs from starting automatically. There are lots of others. Wesley's
recommendation is that other methods are better.

Autostarting programs can often be stopped directly by a choice within the
program, by removing a shortcut to them in the startup folder, by a direct
registry edit, etc. There are also several third-party startup editing tools
that do a better job and are easier to use than msconfig

Unlike Wesley, I usually recommend msconfig in preference to third-party
tools, because it's available to everyone without having to download
something extra. But I understand and respect Wesley's point, even if I
don't completely agree with it.
Wesley answer is the stupidest answer that I've ever heard, doesn't he
know that numerous programs, when installed, add a startup program for no
apparent reason and the only way to have them not start is via the
msconfig facility.

msconfig is *NOT* the only way to stop programs from starting at boot!

msconfig.exe is intended to be used as a troubleshooting tool *NOT* a
startup manager.

[[System Configuration Utility (msconfig.exe) allows you to temporarily
change the way Windows XP Professional starts by disabling startup programs
and services individually or several at a time.]]

[[System Configuration Utility (Msconfig.exe) automates the routine
troubleshooting steps that Microsoft Product Support Services technicians
use when diagnosing Windows configuration issues. You can use this tool to
modify the system configuration through a process of elimination with check
boxes, reducing the risk of typing errors.]]

From StartMan Help:
[[The correct method for removing any startup is to use the program that
placed it there in the first place. The reason for this is that the program
would otherwise be unaware of the changes you'd made with StartMan or any
other startup managers, and some will actually restore their startups
automatically, thus creating duplicates. Therefore always check the main
program's own options or preferences, or the system tray icon's options (if
the program has one) before resorting to any startup manager - including
this one. Startup managers should ONLY be used to disable startups
temporarily - such as when troubleshooting - or to remove non-essential
startups that have no removal options whatsoever. ]]

msconfig is *NOT* the only way to stop programs from starting at boot!

You remove the start entries or shortcuts from:
%allusersprofile%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
%userprofile%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

In the registry, the most common, but there are more locations...
WIN.INI [Windows] Load
WIN.INI [Windows] Run

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User

Patrick said:
Wesley answer is the stupidest answer that I've ever heard, doesn't
he know that numerous programs, when installed, add a startup program
for no apparent reason and the only way to have them not start is via
the msconfig facility. Also, what if your trying to troubleshoot a
problem and you want to disable a program(s) from starting, what does
he suggest, remove it using the add/remove facility and then
reinstall it if it doesn't create the problem??? Use the program I
recommended above. Patrick

Pat, your ignorance is showing, and pretty obviously to boot (pun intended).
Before making such sweeping and incorrect statements, you should be sure you
know what you're talking about from all angles.
Based on your grammar here I wouldn't follow your advice anyway, but just
in case you happen to sound like you know what you're talking about in the
future, I'm making it a point to remember your nick and where you're posting
from. Also:
-- "startup programs" aren't what you're talking about. Entries are what
you should have been talking about.
-- They are not made for "no apparent reason" and with most good software
it's the user's choice to have them listed or not.
MSConfig is simply a tool and nothing more.

Thanks for being obvious; I won't write to you further. Ever.
