Good Morning,
when sending a mail out of Outlook the OnItemSend Event is triggered:
procedure onitemsend(Sender : TOutlookApplication; const Item:
IDispatch; var Cancel: WordBool);
If the item is a MeetinItem is it possible to get to know from it how
the user has answered the meeting request(accept/decline/tentative)?
At the moment i fetch the appointment with .GetAssociatedAppointment
and there i take appointment.ResponseStatus. But for my purpose it
would be better to get it from the MeetingItem.
So is there a way to get the answer of the user?
Hans Schmidt
when sending a mail out of Outlook the OnItemSend Event is triggered:
procedure onitemsend(Sender : TOutlookApplication; const Item:
IDispatch; var Cancel: WordBool);
If the item is a MeetinItem is it possible to get to know from it how
the user has answered the meeting request(accept/decline/tentative)?
At the moment i fetch the appointment with .GetAssociatedAppointment
and there i take appointment.ResponseStatus. But for my purpose it
would be better to get it from the MeetingItem.
So is there a way to get the answer of the user?
Hans Schmidt