I'm trying to run a queries on a schema, and I keep getting ORA-00911:
invalid character error. If I copy/paste it in SQL/Plus it runs fine.
This is what I'm doing in code:
//Set session here to ZGK037_MDB
string sqlSession = string.Format("ALTER SESSION SET
CURRENT_SCHEMA={0}", oDB.DatabaseName);
//Note I don't close the Connection Object in this call. It just gets
an OracleCommand Object
cmdOracle = MiscDataUtils.GetCommandObj(sqlSession, oDB.Connection);
//Execute the sqlSession query
//This is what it shows in my logfile...so it looks like the above
worked with no exceptions
[Logging-DEBUG]-9/29/2006 10:22:45 AM
Next I try to run a query on this command obj
cmdOracle.CommandText = sql; //Set to my new SQL string
rdr = MiscDataUtils.GetDataReaderFromCommandObj(cmdOracle);
This is what the log file says:
[Logging-DEBUG]-9/29/2006 10:22:45 AM
Select RoFm.SymCount as Occ, csd.oid as SymbolOID, csd.m_progID as
ProgID, csd.m_version as ProgVersion From CORESymbolDefinition csd,
(Select Count(*) as SymCount, fm.m_defname as RoFmID FROM
CORERelationOrigin RO JOIN COREFlavorMgr FM ON RO.oidTarget = FM.oid
JOIN CORESymbol S ON RO.oid = S.oid Group By fm.m_defname ) RoFm
Where csd.m_progID=RoFm.RoFmID Order by csd.m_progID;
ORA-00911: invalid character
Any help is really appreciated.
I'm trying to run a queries on a schema, and I keep getting ORA-00911:
invalid character error. If I copy/paste it in SQL/Plus it runs fine.
This is what I'm doing in code:
//Set session here to ZGK037_MDB
string sqlSession = string.Format("ALTER SESSION SET
CURRENT_SCHEMA={0}", oDB.DatabaseName);
//Note I don't close the Connection Object in this call. It just gets
an OracleCommand Object
cmdOracle = MiscDataUtils.GetCommandObj(sqlSession, oDB.Connection);
//Execute the sqlSession query
//This is what it shows in my logfile...so it looks like the above
worked with no exceptions
[Logging-DEBUG]-9/29/2006 10:22:45 AM
Next I try to run a query on this command obj
cmdOracle.CommandText = sql; //Set to my new SQL string
rdr = MiscDataUtils.GetDataReaderFromCommandObj(cmdOracle);
This is what the log file says:
[Logging-DEBUG]-9/29/2006 10:22:45 AM
Select RoFm.SymCount as Occ, csd.oid as SymbolOID, csd.m_progID as
ProgID, csd.m_version as ProgVersion From CORESymbolDefinition csd,
(Select Count(*) as SymCount, fm.m_defname as RoFmID FROM
CORERelationOrigin RO JOIN COREFlavorMgr FM ON RO.oidTarget = FM.oid
JOIN CORESymbol S ON RO.oid = S.oid Group By fm.m_defname ) RoFm
Where csd.m_progID=RoFm.RoFmID Order by csd.m_progID;
ORA-00911: invalid character
Any help is really appreciated.