getting only half of my emails


Vicki Daulton

I have a desktop which runs XP & has Outlook Express as my default email. I
just got a new laptop for Christmas which is running Vista. I have installed
Outlook Express on the laptop. However, when I am at work & I check my
emails, I may get a few...but when I get home from work, I have about 10 or
12 emails additional that NEVER showed up. It is not a matter of a safe
list, because I may get one email from someone at work & then on my desktop
they have actually sent me 2-3 emails. I have called Microsoft, they tell me
it's a Toshiba problem. I have called Toshiba & they tell me it is my
server. Please help!!!!


Tools > Accounts, highlight your account( default) > Properties > Advanced.
Check " Leave a copy of messages on server">OK


Vicki Daulton said:
I have a desktop which runs XP & has Outlook Express as my default email. I
just got a new laptop for Christmas which is running Vista. I have
installed Outlook Express on the laptop. However, when I am at work & I
check my emails, I may get a few...but when I get home from work, I have
about 10 or 12 emails additional that NEVER showed up. It is not a matter
of a safe list, because I may get one email from someone at work & then on
my desktop they have actually sent me 2-3 emails. I have called Microsoft,
they tell me it's a Toshiba problem. I have called Toshiba & they tell me
it is my server. Please help!!!!

Firstly, you can't have installed Outlook Express on the Vista laptop -- it
is not possible.
How are you checking your mail at work, In a mail client or on the server
On all machines that check the same mail account, you need to set the
account to leave a copy of the messages on the server, so that all mail is
available to all machines.
Tools>accounts>select account>properties>advanced tab.


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