Jul 11, 2010
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This morning I had an appointment with the hospital Audioligy Department and came away with tho hearing aids, one for each ear. They are very clever now and seem to be linked together wirelessly now. I think my hearing problem stems from and so does the Audiologist with small arms fire when I was in the RM which is a bit of a swine, also when the wife ask's me to do something I will have no excuse to say I did not hear what she said:(
Thankfully, hearing aids seem to have improved an awful lot, since the days of wires and horrible squeals - which must have been sooo uncomfortable for wearers.

On the plus side, you'll not miss one gurgle or chuckle from your new little granddaughter. :thumb:
All men, no matter what age, have Selective Hearing. :D

Hearing aids are very sophisticated now. They are programmed to concentrate on the frequencies (almost always the high frequencies) that the wearer finds most difficult to hear. :thumb:
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