Alright, background info:
- Motherboard is Asus P4P800-E Deluxe running the latest BIOS. This
motherboard supports SATA but not SATA2. Drive is plugged into SATA1.
- I heard this drive came jumpered to SATA1 by default, however, no
jumper was supplied
I stole one from my brother's computer to test
in the meanwhile, and jumpered the hard drive to SATA1 (where the hell
do I get just a jumper? Why didn't it come with??)
- OS is Windows XP SP2
- Currently running an old IDE drive as master drive, though I
ultimately intend on having the new drive run the OS and whatnot, with
the old IDE as storage/backup.
The BIOS recognizes the hard drive as "Third IDE Master", behind the
old drive and the DVD drive. Is this normal?
Windows simply prompts some Found New Hardware dialogs, which soon
"There was a problem installing this hardware: IDE channel.
An error occurred during the installation of the device
Driver is not intended for this platform."
Drive does not show up in Windows at all. Help appreciated..
- Motherboard is Asus P4P800-E Deluxe running the latest BIOS. This
motherboard supports SATA but not SATA2. Drive is plugged into SATA1.
- I heard this drive came jumpered to SATA1 by default, however, no
jumper was supplied

in the meanwhile, and jumpered the hard drive to SATA1 (where the hell
do I get just a jumper? Why didn't it come with??)
- OS is Windows XP SP2
- Currently running an old IDE drive as master drive, though I
ultimately intend on having the new drive run the OS and whatnot, with
the old IDE as storage/backup.
The BIOS recognizes the hard drive as "Third IDE Master", behind the
old drive and the DVD drive. Is this normal?
Windows simply prompts some Found New Hardware dialogs, which soon
"There was a problem installing this hardware: IDE channel.
An error occurred during the installation of the device
Driver is not intended for this platform."
Drive does not show up in Windows at all. Help appreciated..