Getting my OS onto new build

Oct 13, 2005
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Hey guys,

I really need your help! I just completed my first pc build and well here are the specs for a little background before discussing my problem:

Aerocool 3D-Magic w/ three 120mm (1 thermaltake a2018 in the back) and slot exaust fan.
ASUS P4P800-E Deluxe Mobo HT
3.2 P4 CPU 800FSB, 1GB L2 Cache
DDR 400 XMS Cosair PC3200 RAM
40 GB Western Digital HD (temporary HD from old PC that fried)
ATI 9600 256gb graphics card
CD ROM/Burner

Okay, so here I am, with the my XP CD in hand and im running my new build for the first time. I go into BIOS and check to see that everything is set up.

BIOS reckognizes all my drives, good.

Now I exit BIOS and pop in the XP CD. NOTHING HAPPENS. The PC continues as if I didn't stick in a cd to say:

Secondary Slave Drive - ATAPI Incompatible
Press F1 to resume.

What the heck? I need to get my cd drives turning so I can get an OS on the computer.

Can anybody please help me out here? I've troubleshooted with many diff working cd drives so i know it's not the CD Drives.

Can anybody please suggest some things i could try? Is there a certian way BIOS should be setup.

I was wonderin if anybody had any experiance with this kind or error

Secondary Slave Drive - ATAPI Incompatible
Press F1 to resume.

Anybody, please hlp!

Now I'm not sure... what are your Bios settings?? is it set to boot from CD?

here is what answer I got from a Google...

If the hard drive & CD ROM are each alone on their IDE cables, check to
see if thay have a Cable Select (or something similar) jumper setting.
Some drives prefer that vs. master-slave/primary-secondary when they're
the only device on the cable.

If they are sharing a cable, try dropping to just one device for

If you brought the IDE cable(s) from PC1 to PC2, try using the ones that
came with PC2 as some IDE cables don't work well outside their original

If the cable(s) are >18 inches long, go buy new cables as they are
outside of spec. (Yes, I know you can buy longer cables and higher
quality cables can be 36" long, but you take chances when you leave the

And finally on cables, put the Master/Primary at the end of the cable &
the Slave/Secondary in the middle. While specs say it doesn't matter,
sometimes it does.

Go into the BIOS and put drive settings to "auto". Try PIO mode for the
CD if it won't work in DMA mode.

If all of the above doesn't solve it, we can take a look at the rest of
the PC. How big is the power supply and what other components are in
PC2? What brand/model mobo does PC2 have?

-----Original Message-----
From: Rick.Chevalier@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Friday, February 20, 2004 8:21 AM
To: pctech@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [PCTECH] Pri Slave Drive ATAPI Incompatible

I replaced the system board, processor, and memory in PC 1 and used the
old parts to build PC 2. PC2 has a new hard drive and a CD drive from
PC1. When I boot PC2 I get the error 'Pri Slave Drive ATAPI
Incompatible' on the CD drive along with a hard drive error. I am
making the assumption at this time the HDD error is due to not being
formatted yet so I'm focusing on the ATAPI error. The HDD tools are on
CD so I need to get the CD going to work on the HDD.

I have tried swapping cables, changing IDE controllers on the system
board, and switching from master to slave. Nothing seems to help. I
will probably try them all again this weekend just to make sure I cover
all the bases.

Does anyone have any experience with the 'Pri Slave Drive ATAPI
Incompatible' error?

Rick Chevalier
AmeriCredit ITS
Ext. 57178
yeah i toyed around with these cable IDE settings last night, i'm currently using cable select. It should work the way it is setup, i'm so confused! Thanks for the post, i will use it later tonight when i get out of work to troubleshoot again. Anybody else encounterede this problem before or one like it? Any more suggestions?

to make things more clear, the cd drives have power and light up when u turn the pc on but they dont seem to turn the cd or do anything...I havn't even reached the OS stage yet. BTW this HD is from my old pc and has xp on it already so i plan to repair it in my OS setup to back up my stuff.

Still need to get my PC reading that XP OS disc though....

Thanks alot guys, i appreciate your time,

BrianDarzi said:
yeah i toyed around with these cable IDE settings last night, i'm currently using cable select. It should work the way it is setup, i'm so confused! Thanks for the post, i will use it later tonight when i get out of work to troubleshoot again. Anybody else encounterede this problem before or one like it? Any more suggestions?

to make things more clear, the cd drives have power and light up when u turn the pc on but they dont seem to turn the cd or do anything...I havn't even reached the OS stage yet. BTW this HD is from my old pc and has xp on it already so i plan to repair it in my OS setup to back up my stuff.

Still need to get my PC reading that XP OS disc though....

Thanks alot guys, i appreciate your time,

The name of the CD drives will help ... not all drives are ATAPI compatible ... but I have a sneaky feeling you may need to use primary IDE for the HD & secondary IDE for the Rom drives.

I have found cable select to be problematic ... because you really need a cable select cable ... yes there is a difference.

I would set the HD as master on the primary ide using the cables supplied with the MB, which should be an 80col ribbon cable
and set ONE CDrom drive as master on the secondary ide (use the burner) forget the DVD drive for now.

okay, i will try chaging the HD jumper as you instucted but i pretty much did this troubleshooting.

Thanks a bunch!

If its any sort of help, i kinda had the same problem, but i changed the boot order around. 1st boot the cd drive, then 2nd HD.

ill just sit in the cornor and be quiet now :confused: