I can get 4 voices in sapi 5.1 (mary,mike,sam and another one) what I do not know is how to get the T&H engines
for the other four the code comes in the sdk.Here it is
Dim WithEvents Voice As SpeechLib.SpVoic
' Creates the voice object firs
Voice = New SpeechLib.SpVoic
Dim Token As SpeechLib.ISpeechObjectToke
For Each Token In Voice.GetVoice
Next Toke
VoiceCB.SelectedIndex =
Voice.Voice = Voice.GetVoices().Item(VoiceCB.SelectedIndex
Voice.Speak("hello I'm tired"
VoiceCB.SelectedIndex =
Voice.Voice = Voice.GetVoices().Item(VoiceCB.SelectedIndex
Voice.Speak("you have to rest")