Is it possible to get intermediate results from solversolve?
Thanks in advance
Thanks in advance
Martin said:ryguy7272
Maybe you got me wrong, I'm not trying to set a fire in an iceberg... It was
just a question, that's why my opening on the question was "Is it
possible..." I didn't take it for granted, and you're very right... Solver is
an optimization tool so it does what's expected from it... I just wanted to
get intermediate results for academic purposes for an operations research
class because Solver works under Simplex Method for linear problems... and
that was it. Honestly, I don't feel Solver is explained well enough in terms
of functions it uses. I thought that, maybe, there might be another function
called from solversolve that gets intermediate results that are reused in a
loop. Sorry for the inconvenience... if any, and thank you.
Is it possible to get intermediate results from solversolve?
Thanks in advance
Martin said:Martin
Won't "Solver Options" "Show Iteration Results" do what you want ?
My friend, I tried when setting the option features but it doesn't get
marked when I click up on it. Why? I don't know. I'll run the same model on
other pc to see if I can set this option. I hope there's nothing wrong with
my solver... A while ago I ran a model and I remember that it showed some
iterations as it was running.