Daniel =?iso-8859-1?Q?Lidstr=F6m?=
I'm using a library called fyba. This library reads and writes files in a
format called sosi. fyba uses the following code to determine if the
calling process has own methods to handle errors, messages, etc:
// If this parameter is NULL,
// GetModuleHandle returns a handle of the file used
// to create the calling process.
hInstExe = GetModuleHandle( NULL );
if( hInstExe!=NULL )
LC_StartMessAdr = (void*)GetProcAddress(hInstExe, "LC_StartMessDll");
So, if LC_StartMessDll is found in the calling process, this function is
called. If it isn't found, a default function is called.
Now to my problem: my application consists of geo.exe and gcomm.dll.
gcomm.dll is the part that uses fyba, so I would like to be able to put the
callback functions in gcomm.dll, but since fyba uses the above method to
find the functions, they have to be in geo.exe. Is there a way to modify
the above code so that the methods will be found in gcomm.dll. More
precisely, I want to find the callback functions in the dll/exe that calls
fyba, not in the "top"-process (geo.exe). I hope I made myself clear.
Thanks in advance!
A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing on usenet and in e-mail?
format called sosi. fyba uses the following code to determine if the
calling process has own methods to handle errors, messages, etc:
// If this parameter is NULL,
// GetModuleHandle returns a handle of the file used
// to create the calling process.
hInstExe = GetModuleHandle( NULL );
if( hInstExe!=NULL )
LC_StartMessAdr = (void*)GetProcAddress(hInstExe, "LC_StartMessDll");
So, if LC_StartMessDll is found in the calling process, this function is
called. If it isn't found, a default function is called.
Now to my problem: my application consists of geo.exe and gcomm.dll.
gcomm.dll is the part that uses fyba, so I would like to be able to put the
callback functions in gcomm.dll, but since fyba uses the above method to
find the functions, they have to be in geo.exe. Is there a way to modify
the above code so that the methods will be found in gcomm.dll. More
precisely, I want to find the callback functions in the dll/exe that calls
fyba, not in the "top"-process (geo.exe). I hope I made myself clear.
Thanks in advance!
A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing on usenet and in e-mail?