Hello Steve,
I made a little bit changes to your code and now it works.
Some points you might be interested in:
First, you need to cast AccessRule to FileSystemAccessRule, which contains
the detailed File System rights value.
The value contains flags indicating each individual right (combined by
Second, the AccessControlType property specifies whether an AccessRule
object is used to allow or deny access. It doesn't contain the actual
rights as you originally expected.
For more details about FileSystemAccessRule, please see:
And the FileSystemRights enum:
And the AccessControlType enum:
Finally, here is the updated code:
Dim myinfo As New DirectoryInfo(myfolder)
Dim dSecurity As DirectorySecurity = myinfo.GetAccessControl()
Dim fSecurity As AuthorizationRuleCollection = _
dSecurity.GetAccessRules(True, True,
For Each myacc As Security.AccessControl.AccessRule In fSecurity
Dim acc As FileSystemAccessRule = DirectCast(myacc,
Console.Write("Access Control Type: ")
Console.WriteLine(IIf(acc.AccessControlType = AccessControlType.Allow,
"Allow", "Deny"))
If (acc.FileSystemRights And FileSystemRights.FullControl) =
FileSystemRights.FullControl Then
Console.Write("FullControl" & vbTab)
End If
If (acc.FileSystemRights And FileSystemRights.ReadData) =
FileSystemRights.ReadData Then
Console.Write("ReadData" & vbTab)
End If
If (acc.FileSystemRights And FileSystemRights.WriteData) =
FileSystemRights.WriteData Then
Console.Write("WriteData" & vbTab)
End If
If (acc.FileSystemRights And FileSystemRights.ListDirectory) =
FileSystemRights.ListDirectory Then
Console.Write("ListDirectory" & vbTab)
End If
If (acc.FileSystemRights And FileSystemRights.ExecuteFile) =
FileSystemRights.ExecuteFile Then
Console.Write("ExecuteFile" & vbTab)
End If
' ***** End Code *****
Please let me know how it works for you.
Best regards,
Jie Wang
Microsoft Online Community Support
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