I currently have a macro that opens a file called "a" (no extension), as
shown below:
Workbooks.OpenText Filename:="ftp://xxx.xx.xxx.xxx/home/spool/a", _
This file is not always going to be "a" though. Is there a way i can get
excel to show this folder, so that i can manually select a file, and for it
to continue the macro afterwards?
many thanks
I do something very similar, although I don't continue the macro after the
find; I open another workbook Here's what I've got:-
1) A worksheet called "FileList " with a ListBox to display found file names
Code for this sheet is:-
Private Sub ListBox1_Click()
Dim wb As Workbook 'Only interested in Excel Workbooks here
If MsgBox("Want to open " & _
ListBox1.Text & " ?", _
vbYesNo + vbQuestion) = vbYes Then
Set wb = Workbooks.Open(ListBox1.Text, _
wb.Saved = True
Set wb = Nothing
End If
Worksheets("FileList").Visible = False 'Normal state for this sheet is
End Sub
2) A macro to populate the listbox. Code is:-
Sub FillListbox()
Dim PathName As String
Worksheets("FileList").Visible = True 'Unhide sheet with ListBox
PathName = <"MY PATH NAME">
Call FindWorkBook(PathName, "*.xls")
End Sub
Sub FindWOrkBookt(strMyPath As String, _
strFiletype As String)
Dim TheFile As String
ChDrive strMyPath
ChDir strMyPath
TheFile = Dir(strFiletype)
Do While TheFile <> ""
Sheets(1).ListBox1.AddItem _
strMyPath & "\" & TheFile
TheFile = Dir
End Sub
Note that the Dir command doesn't give you a sorted list of files. If you
want the files to appear in the listbox in alphabetic order, you need to
populate an array and sort that before outputting to the listbox.
[Acknowledgements to Harald Staff, who pointed me in the right direction
earlier. ;-) ]