are you trying to formulate formulas into the spreadsheet?
whatever function you can access via vba, you can access the same way using
office interop regardless or c#
- if you don`t need the formula in the spreadsheet but just need to display
the value in spreadsheet
or if you are just using your 2 dimensional array to set value into the
spreadsheet, you can do calculation w/o the absolute address. instead you
use get_range on the spreadsheet
with only
using Microsoft.Office.Core;
using Microsoft.Office;
you still access most of the function of excel function pretty well the same
way except sometime you need get_ prefix
you could try out the following and see what you get
protected Excel.Range oRng = oSheet.get_Range("E4", "E4");
btw oSheet is private Excel._Worksheet oSheet;
I assume you know how to deal with the rest, if not you can search term on
C# excel automation