OK - I'll try again.....go into Outlook 2007, click on contacts lower left
field " mail, calender, contacts, tasks" which brings up all contacts.
go to upper right search box which says "search all contact items". Then I
enter a search string....I get multiple listings for numerous contacts. Is
that clear? As I stated before, when I look at ALL contacts, those
duplicates do not exist..........
Russ Valentine said:
<Sigh> Try again please, remembering my plea for you to be specific and
provide details. My view of Contacts has no such box. I wonder what view
are using? Remember. We aren't there and we can't read minds. State every
steps you are using to conduct the search and the outcome of said search.
Russ Valentine
Sorry - Office Outlook 2007. As far as the search method - I am
using the search box in contacts that says "search all contact items" .
There is no information here that would permit an answer. To what
method and to what version of Outlook are you referring? Be specific
provide details please.
Russ Valentine
My contact list contains no duplcates but when i do a search of a
shows 2 or sometimes four of that contact. If I delete one, it
If I look in my master list of all contacts though, there are no
Any ideas what is causing this?