Getting Device ID / Network name


Zac Maclean


Been here:

and I downloaded a c# example, but it doesn't work on the 2002 or 2003

Ok, so I have 15 PDA units going into rollout, I want to be able to identify
each PDA by deviceID (from the About applet in settings)
Each PDA will be accessing a SQL publication based on this name.

If there is a working example in any language, I can build it as DLL, and
import into my VB project.

This also leads into another question about SQL / SQLCE merge publications,
but if I can't get this part working, the other part isn't as important..


Zac Maclean

Ok, found something no developer should be without....

The part in particular that I used deals with the registry, and
HKLM/Ident/Name is where the Device ID is stored.

Dim reg_reader As OpenNETCF.Win32.Registry

Dim myreader As String

myreader = reg_reader.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("Ident").GetValue("Name")


Thats all it took. The install for OpenNETCF made the references
available. Just need to add the base OpenNETCF reference.


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