Getting cups answer into cups _and_ 1/4 cups increments?

  • Thread starter Thread starter StargateFan
  • Start date Start date


A formula in my spreadsheet of =B2/8 returns a value that means cups
(converting ounces into cups).

No matter what the starting figure, though, I only get multiples of 1
cup rather than it breaking down into correct ounces conversion of 9
1/4 cups, 9 1/2 cups, 9 3/4 cups.

I don't need to break it down into cups and ounces but multiples of
cups and quarter cups as shown above. (Does that make sense?) But I
don't know how to do this special rounding type of function.

How can I get this type of output, pls?

Thanks so much!

Oh, I didn't mention that I'm getting the output I am because I need
to have cell formatted with custom: #" cups"

I get partials if formatted as a decimal with two places but it's
easier dealing with measurments to deal with fractions rather than
decimals, anyway. Sorry for forgetting to mention that.


If you "need to have cell formatted with custom: #" cups" "

then you will always see your result in terms of whole cups.

If you want to see cups and fractions of cups, rounded to the nearest
quarter, use one of these formulas:



Then custom format your cell as # #/# "cups"

Thanks, I tried the round formula above (don't know difference between
round and mround) and used the new formatting for the fraction output
and it seems to work just great.

Thanks. I learned a new formatting tip today re the fractions. Going
into my tips folder! <g>

Cheers and thanks. :oD