getting attachments

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jonatan
  • Start date Start date


Hi there,

I am stuck in a problem and I don't seem to find the answer in the

I am developing an addin in c# in outlook 2003.

When the user forwards one PostItem, outlook creates a MailItem and
puts the documents contained in the PostItem as attachment of the

When the user forwards two or more Post Items together, outlook creates
a MailItem and puts the PostItems as attachments. Each of them with its

I am capturing the item send event. I want to remove the PostItems from
the attachments of the MailItem and just leave the attachments that the
PostItems contain.

That has been impossible to accomplish!

When I get the attachmets of the MailItem I get a ".msg". It is not
possible to get its attachments using the Outlook object model.

I read in the groups that you can access to the attachments using
Redemption because it has the EmbeddedMsg property. I tried it but to
no avail.

The first problem with Redemption is that when I set the Item property
of the SafeMailItem, the attachments collection continues being null.
Then I decided to save the attachments in the hard disk and then add an
Redemption Attachment. No joy. The property EmbeddedMsg is null.

I am posting the code, I may be doing something wrong!

Outlook.MailItem mailItem ... // This is the MailItem that I receive
from the ItemSend event

Redemption.SafeMailItem safeMailItem = new

safeMailItem.Item = mailItem;

// I can't use safeMailItem Attachments.Count because is 0
if (mailItem.Attachments.Count > 1)
for (int i = mailItem.Attachments.Count; i > 0; i--)
Outlook.Attachment attachment = mailItem.Attachments;

attachment.SaveAsFile(@"c:\" + fileName.ToUpper());

safeMailItem.Attachments.Add(@"c:\" + fileName.ToUpper(),
Outlook.OlAttachmentType.olByValue, 1, fileName);

Redemption.Attachment safeAttachment = safeMailItem.Attachments[1];

// This line crashes because the EmbeddedMsg is null (not
Redemption.MessageItem messageItem =
As always, with Redemption when you are working with an unsent mesage, you must save it first
before passing it to the Redemption.SafeMailItem. That may explain why you're not able to get to EmbeddedMsg.

Alternatively, save the .msg files. Since all you want is their attachments, you can make a copy of each with the Application.CreateItemFromTemplate method.

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

and Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers