Hi group.
I just burned up the MoBo and CPU on my PC. I'm not planing on repairing
it, but, I sure would like to get all my data back from the HDD and save
it to my "living" PC. How can I do this?
Any help and info. on this will be much appreciated!
Do you know if the hard drive is still OK ?
Or was it part of the "burning" ?
What caused the Mobo and CPU to burn ?
If the hard drive was not harmed by whatever happened,
then you should be able to cable it up and connect it
to a spare port in your working computer. Ideally, putting
the drive on its own cable, means less danger of it having
any affect on another drive in the machine.
Chances are, your working computer already has a bunch
of stuff connected. To get the best answer back, you
should tell us all you can about the working computer -
Motherboard name and model number (of working computer) ?
How many hard drives are currently connected ?
Are they SATA (thin data cable) or PATA (wide ribbon cable) ?
Are there any CDROM/DVD drives in the machine and are they
on ribbon cable as well ?
(The purpose of asking all those questions, is to figure
out how many hard drives and CDs are currently connected to
the motherboard. By knowing the motherboard brand and model
number, we know how many connectors are on the board, and
how many drives maximum it can support.)
Does the drive you want to recover, use a ribbon cable or
the thin SATA cable ?
Based on the answer to those questions, the answer may be
to set the drive to master, or slave, or cable_select.
The drive has to connect to a cable, and knowing how many
drives are there currently, and where they are connected,
helps determine where the visiting drive is going to go.
If the working computer is full of drives, the answer may
be a bit more complicated.