I'm doing a simple TableAdapter.Fill filling my datatable from a view
within a SQL database. for some reason it is timing out after 30
seconds and I cant seem to find out where in vb.net 2005 I can go to
change the timeout setting for this. when i go to my project, then my
settings tab i set the connection timeout for 120, but it doesn't seem
to affect the timeout for filling my datatable.
Code used to fill datatable:
Settings for the connection to the SQL server:
Data Source=TLSQL;Initial Catalog=AL;Persist Security Info=True;User
ID=AL;Password=ALMMEN23L1;Asynchronous Processing=True;Connect
within a SQL database. for some reason it is timing out after 30
seconds and I cant seem to find out where in vb.net 2005 I can go to
change the timeout setting for this. when i go to my project, then my
settings tab i set the connection timeout for 120, but it doesn't seem
to affect the timeout for filling my datatable.
Code used to fill datatable:
Settings for the connection to the SQL server:
Data Source=TLSQL;Initial Catalog=AL;Persist Security Info=True;User
ID=AL;Password=ALMMEN23L1;Asynchronous Processing=True;Connect