Getting A Serious Error Message




I have been having a problem with my cpu rebooting itself
for about two weeks. I will be on the internet surfing
around and boom the cpu shuts down and tries to reboot

When it tries to reboot, it stalls. So, I have to throw
the switch and hit the power button. It finally reboots
and I get a Windows has Recovered from a Serious Error
and it says C:Windows\Minidump\Mini100504-01dmp.

It also causes my modem not to function and I have to
delete it and reboot for it to recognize it.

Any assistance on how to fix this problem would be
greatly appreciated.



At a first glance:
check your CPU temperature - there's at least a motherboard monitor utility
for download on the web
check for viruses/trojans etc.
change the modem slot or com - albeit dubious since XP assigns the IRQ's;
maybe install the modem right after the grahics on a fresh install or just
get rid of the paralell and serial port and try to install on com1 or com2.
check your RAM - download and run Memtest86


Hi Phil,

Use one of these three options.

Right Click the My Computer Icon/Properties/Advanced/

1. Set Page File to 0, ok your way out and reboot. Then follow the same
procedure and reset the Page File to System Managed File.

2. No Page File. Reboot. Then delete C:\Pagefile.Sys then revert the page
file setting.

3. Set the swap file size to zero, reboot. Re-set to System Managed,
reboot. Reset the Custom setting, reboot.

You Receive a "System Has Recovered from a Serious Error" Message After
Every Restart;EN-US;q317277

Windows XP Problems if Your Profile Is Damaged;EN-US;Q326688



Once I do set page file to 0. How do I reset the page
file to system managed file. I am considered a newbie
when it comes to this type of stuff.


Hi Phil,

It works differently depending on your systems/setup. You only need to
apply one of the three. Good luck!


Once I do set page file to 0. How do I reset the page
file to system managed file. I am considered a newbie
when it comes to this type of stuff.

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