I have an old monitor,But for it to display 800X600
properly it needs a refesh rate of 56hz previoulsy
availible in windows 95 and wfwg (i think) i cant seem to
find a way for it to display anything lower than 60hz i
know of a driver for 98 but i need a fix for XP the monitor
is a "7CM3209" and i have a gf4mx 440
I have an old monitor,But for it to display 800X600
properly it needs a refesh rate of 56hz previoulsy
availible in windows 95 and wfwg (i think) i cant seem to
find a way for it to display anything lower than 60hz i
know of a driver for 98 but i need a fix for XP the monitor
is a "7CM3209" and i have a gf4mx 440