GetPrivateProfileString any managed method?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Robains
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I have a lot of files I use to store application settings that are NOT
part of the registery (and should NOT be). Can't seem to find a .NET
Framework equivalent of GetPrivateProfileString -- I need to be able
to specify my own file location (C:\MyApp\MyApp.INI) and read values
from this file.

There is Microsoft.Win32 but that only seems to have registery
specific methods.

You'll need to use P/Invoke. Try here:>.

Robains said:
I have a lot of files I use to store application settings that are NOT
part of the registery (and should NOT be). Can't seem to find a .NET
Framework equivalent of GetPrivateProfileString -- I need to be able
to specify my own file location (C:\MyApp\MyApp.INI) and read values
from this file.

There is Microsoft.Win32 but that only seems to have registery
specific methods.


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As Ed suggested you can use P/Invoke, but if you want to stick with pure
..NET you could use XML files to store your configuration settings.

Check the XmlTextWriter and XmlTextReader classes in the documentation.
