John G
Using Access 2003 on Windows XP.
I am using the functions found at :
to select multiple files for an array in a procedure to zip the selected
files. I made the revisions to the above codes that Doug Steele recommended
12/27/07 in his answer to the posted question "File Dialog using API". I
added the few lines Tom Wickerath added to print the file names in the
Immediate Window. When I run the GetMultipleFiles function the printed
results leave out the last "\" between the folder name and the file name.
Prints this:
0 C:\Program Files\OGG\ReportsCommodities.SNP
1 C:\Program Files\OGG\ReportsLand.SNP
Should print the two above file names like this
0 C:\Program Files\OGG\Reports\Commodities.SNP
1 C:\Program Files\OGG\Reports\Land.SNP
shouldn't it?
Here is the function as I have it.
Public Function GetMultipleFiles(ByVal strExtension As String, strTitle As
String) As Variant
'Purpose: Get list of files of a single type to open from user
'Inputs: strExtension - filetype required
' strTitle - dialog title
'Output: variant array of full path file names selected by user
' or Null if none selected
Dim varReturned As Variant
Dim varFiles As Variant 'variant array to hold result of
Dim strfilter As String 'for use in dialog
Dim lngFlags As Long 'ditto
Dim intFileCount As Integer 'how many files were selected
Dim strArrFiles() As String 'to work with file array
Dim intI As Integer 'counter
Dim strDirectory As String 'to determine full path
Dim intPosStart As Integer 'counters in parsing of file name
Dim intPosEnd As Integer
'set constants
strfilter = strExtension & " Files (*." & strExtension & ")" &
vbNullChar & "*." & _
strExtension & vbNullChar & vbNullChar
'get list of files
varFiles = dhFileDialog(strDialogTitle:=strTitle, strfilter:=strfilter,
'if no file sselected then return null and exit
If IsNull(varFiles) = True Then
GetMultipleFiles = Null
varFiles = drRightTrimNull(varFiles)
' Split what was returned into an array
varReturned = Split(varFiles, vbNullChar)
' Determine the number of files we're dealing with.
intFileCount = UBound(varReturned) - LBound(varReturned) + 1
' If just 1 file then simple assignment
If intFileCount = 1 Then
ReDim strArrFiles(0)
strArrFiles(0) = drRightTrimNull(Trim(varFiles))
' Redim an array of filenames
ReDim strArrFiles(intFileCount - 1)
' Populate the array of file names
For intI = 1 To (intFileCount - 1)
strArrFiles(intI - 1) = varReturned(0) & varReturned(intI)
Next intI
' For intI = 1 To intFileCount
' strArrFiles(intI - 1) = varReturned(0) & varReturned(intI - 1)
' Next intI
End If
GetMultipleFiles = strArrFiles
'Print results to Immediate Window
For intI = LBound(strArrFiles) To UBound(strArrFiles)
Debug.Print intI, strArrFiles(intI)
Next intI
End If
End Function
What do I need to do to return the desired results?
Thanks in advance for your help.
John G
I am using the functions found at :
to select multiple files for an array in a procedure to zip the selected
files. I made the revisions to the above codes that Doug Steele recommended
12/27/07 in his answer to the posted question "File Dialog using API". I
added the few lines Tom Wickerath added to print the file names in the
Immediate Window. When I run the GetMultipleFiles function the printed
results leave out the last "\" between the folder name and the file name.
Prints this:
0 C:\Program Files\OGG\ReportsCommodities.SNP
1 C:\Program Files\OGG\ReportsLand.SNP
Should print the two above file names like this
0 C:\Program Files\OGG\Reports\Commodities.SNP
1 C:\Program Files\OGG\Reports\Land.SNP
shouldn't it?
Here is the function as I have it.
Public Function GetMultipleFiles(ByVal strExtension As String, strTitle As
String) As Variant
'Purpose: Get list of files of a single type to open from user
'Inputs: strExtension - filetype required
' strTitle - dialog title
'Output: variant array of full path file names selected by user
' or Null if none selected
Dim varReturned As Variant
Dim varFiles As Variant 'variant array to hold result of
Dim strfilter As String 'for use in dialog
Dim lngFlags As Long 'ditto
Dim intFileCount As Integer 'how many files were selected
Dim strArrFiles() As String 'to work with file array
Dim intI As Integer 'counter
Dim strDirectory As String 'to determine full path
Dim intPosStart As Integer 'counters in parsing of file name
Dim intPosEnd As Integer
'set constants
strfilter = strExtension & " Files (*." & strExtension & ")" &
vbNullChar & "*." & _
strExtension & vbNullChar & vbNullChar
'get list of files
varFiles = dhFileDialog(strDialogTitle:=strTitle, strfilter:=strfilter,
'if no file sselected then return null and exit
If IsNull(varFiles) = True Then
GetMultipleFiles = Null
varFiles = drRightTrimNull(varFiles)
' Split what was returned into an array
varReturned = Split(varFiles, vbNullChar)
' Determine the number of files we're dealing with.
intFileCount = UBound(varReturned) - LBound(varReturned) + 1
' If just 1 file then simple assignment
If intFileCount = 1 Then
ReDim strArrFiles(0)
strArrFiles(0) = drRightTrimNull(Trim(varFiles))
' Redim an array of filenames
ReDim strArrFiles(intFileCount - 1)
' Populate the array of file names
For intI = 1 To (intFileCount - 1)
strArrFiles(intI - 1) = varReturned(0) & varReturned(intI)
Next intI
' For intI = 1 To intFileCount
' strArrFiles(intI - 1) = varReturned(0) & varReturned(intI - 1)
' Next intI
End If
GetMultipleFiles = strArrFiles
'Print results to Immediate Window
For intI = LBound(strArrFiles) To UBound(strArrFiles)
Debug.Print intI, strArrFiles(intI)
Next intI
End If
End Function
What do I need to do to return the desired results?
Thanks in advance for your help.
John G