foo said:
"An unhandled exception of type 'System.NullReferenceException' occurred
Additional information: Object reference not set to an instance of an
This worked in ver 6, but in VB dot net it abends at the call to
GetComputerName( )...
Declare Function GetComputerName Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetComputerNameA"
(ByVal lpBuffer As String, ByVal nSize As Long) As Long
Function GetLocalComputerName() As String
Dim strBuffer As String
Dim lngBufSize As Long
Dim lngStatus As Long
lngBufSize = 16 ' max computer name length = 15
strBuffer = Space(lngBufSize + 1)
lngStatus = GetComputerName(strBuffer, lngBufSize)
Cincinnati, OH USA
As has been mentioned, you will want to change your Long's to Integers.
VB.NET longs are 64-bit. Further, you will probably not want to call this
API anyway because you can get this information from the framework using
Environment.MachineName property...
So, having re-iterated all the other responses - I wanted to add a couple
things about calling API's in general... If you are going to use the
GetComputerName function, then I would declare it like this:
Declare Auto Function GetComputerName Lib "kernel32" _
(ByVal lpBuffer As System.Text.StringBuilder, _
ByVal nSize As Integer) As Integer
There are a couple of things of note in this declaration that are different
then from VB.CLASSIC - so let my point them out:
1) No Alias. In general, you should not be aliasing your api calls to the
specific A/W version. You should instead add the Auto keyword. What this
does for you is lets the runtime determine the appropriate version to call
based on the platform that your application runs on. This is important
because it helps you avoid a lot of unnecessary string conversions when your
app is running on an NT based system. See, like VB.CLASSIC, .NET strings
are Unicode internally. This means that when you call the A version of the
function, the marshaller has to convert your Unicode string into an Ansi
string and then pass the converted string to the API. That has to happen on
a 9x system (for most functions anyway), since the W functions are not
implemented. On NT system though, if you explicitly call the A function,
then there is a lot more work that has to be done because the Marshaller
converts the sting to Ansi and calls the A function. On NT, the A function
converts the Ansi string to Unicode and calls the W function. When the W
function returns the Unicode string is converted to Ansi and returned to the
caller - who in this case turns around and converts it back to Unicode. So,
what you end up with is:
Where is on NT systems no conversions are necessary. This has always been a
problem in VB - but VB.NET finally has a solution to this problem - Auto...
2) I did not declare the lpBuffer parameter As String. The reason for this
is that this string is intended to be modified by the API call. When you
need to pass a mutable string buffer to an external procedure, you shoule
always use System.Text.StringBuilder rather then string. The reason for
this is that the String type is an immutable object - in other words, once
created it can't be changed - and it causes a lot of extra work on the
VB.NET marshaller if you pass a string buffer to a function that is going to
modify that buffer. So, basically what I'm saying is - If the string
parameter is constant - in other words, the function does not modify the
value of the string - then use As String. If the function is going to
modify the value of the buffer - then use As System.Text.StringBuilder.
The code to use the above declaration would look something like:
Dim lpBuffer As New System.Text.StringBuilder(16)
GetComputerName (lpBuffer, lpBuffer.Capacity)
Return lpBuffer.ToString