Getchanges problem on expression column

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I have a problem with the GetChanges() method when I use an expression column.
The expression is using data from a child relation.
When I call Getchanges I got an evaluation expression that the column from
my child relation doens't exist.
How can I work arround this issue?

Hi Bart,

Did you use DataSet.GetChanges() method to return the rows?
I haven't met such issue before. Would you please provide us the exact
error message and post some code-snippet for us?

Wen Yuan
Microsoft Online Community Support
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Hi Wen,

Where Table1 has a child relation to Table2
An expression column in Table1 looks like this:
Table.SomeColumn.Expession = 'min(child(NameChildRel).TrekkerID)'

Hi Bart,
Thanks for your reply.

If you have a Expression Column in table, you should have to use
DataSet.getChanges() method rather than DataTable.getChanges() method. This
is because, DataTable.getChanges() method will create a new DataTable and
add the modified rows into this table. If the row has a Expression Column,
the new DataTable will meet an issue. The child table and relation doesn't
exist for the new DataTable. However, DataSet.getChanges() method will
create new dataset, table and relation.

In your scenario, you can use DataSet.getChanges() method to return a
DataSet and then get the special table from DataSet by tablename.

Please let me know if you still have anything unclear. I'm glad to assist
Have a great day,
Wen Yuan
Microsoft Online Community Support
Hi Bart,

I haven't heard from you two days. Have you resolve the issue now?
If there is anything we can help with, please update here and I will follow
up.I'm glad to work with you.

Have a great weekend,
Wen Yuan
Microsoft Online Community Support