i try to get with powershell a list of cluster nodes which show the cluster
resource is running on.
Get-WmiObject -namespace $namespace -computername SERVER -class $class |
select-object @{Name="SystemName";Expres
sion = {$_.__server}},@{Name="ClusterGroup";Expression = {$_.Name}} | sort
-property Name | out-file d:\temp\powershell-clust
er.txt -append -encoding ascii
but it does not show correct if the resources are running on different nodes
cluster group on node-a
evs on node-b
cluster /cluster:SERVER res
does show it correct
resource is running on.
Get-WmiObject -namespace $namespace -computername SERVER -class $class |
select-object @{Name="SystemName";Expres
sion = {$_.__server}},@{Name="ClusterGroup";Expression = {$_.Name}} | sort
-property Name | out-file d:\temp\powershell-clust
er.txt -append -encoding ascii
but it does not show correct if the resources are running on different nodes
cluster group on node-a
evs on node-b
cluster /cluster:SERVER res
does show it correct