I have an AMD Athlon xp1800 processor and a 256 pc2700 133 mhz ram chip running on windows 2000 on a Gigabyte GA-7VAXP KT400 mainboard and it runs fine, I recently tried to upgrade the processor with an AMD Thoroughbred Athlon 2400 and the ram with a 512 pc2700 133 mhz ram chip, during post test it recognises both the new chips but as soon as windows 200 starts to boot I get errors like: "cant write to memory, system configuration errors," and then it will reboot the computer by itself. I have the latest bios update for the mainboard and ive double check with the mainboard company and it should support these chips with no problems.. I then just put back my old processor and tried to boot up with that and the ram itself and still it will not boot into windows, I get a blue screen that says system configuration errors, or it will lock up before getting into windows... How can I resolve these windows error issues so I can upgrade the Ram and processor?