monkey1 via AccessMonster.com
I have 2 database tbl_inv and tbl_coursePayment
The form Course payment use tbl_coursePayment. The form has a field named
Invoice No which obtain the value from tbl_inv.no + 1 as a New Course Payment
Invoice no.
The process is
1. get invoice no from tbl_inv.no
2. put the tbl_inv.no + 1 as new coursePayment invoice no
3. write back the new invoice no to tbl_inv.no when the form save
I m newbie in VBA, would somebody give me some example code for my reference.
Thank you.
The form Course payment use tbl_coursePayment. The form has a field named
Invoice No which obtain the value from tbl_inv.no + 1 as a New Course Payment
Invoice no.
The process is
1. get invoice no from tbl_inv.no
2. put the tbl_inv.no + 1 as new coursePayment invoice no
3. write back the new invoice no to tbl_inv.no when the form save
I m newbie in VBA, would somebody give me some example code for my reference.
Thank you.