Alex, the table designer affects the structure or the table in the DB, not
in the datatable or dataset that you fill locally. I suspected this was the
problem thats why I wanted to verify the key. Fortunately, it's easy to
fix. On the one hand you can use a StronglyTyped Dataset and define the key
there. Then once you fill the table, it's automatically done for you. In
doing so, it's very straightforward to get your Datatable to match your
table in the db. The other alternative is to create the primary key
locally, which is pretty simple too . The only caveat is that
if you don't define a schema beforehand and use dataAdapter.Fill to build
the datatable,, you'll need to wait until after the fill to apply the key
(the column doesn't before the fill unless you define it). Similarly, (and
this shouldn't be a problem if your local key matches the key in the