Get selected option in recurrence range group

  • Thread starter Thread starter Tiago Pina
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Tiago Pina


I am facing a small problem here... I have my recurrence range group where I
can select where or how my recurrence ends ("no end date", "end after <x>
occurrences" or end by <DATE>).

When Im populating my recurrence pattern object Outlook puts some default
values either in the "occurrences" field and the "end by" field, even if "no
end date" is selected.

My question is: how can I know what radio button is selected or how can I
overcome the default values inserted by Outlook?

get_NoEndDate method only excludes the other two options if it is checked...
if get_NoEndDate is false there is still two possible values the occurrences
or the end date... i still don't know how to see if which one of them is

Help pls!?

I select "End after: 5 occurences", so I only want that value, not the
default date on the "End by field".

Hope you guys understand my problem and thanks in advance.

You cannot read values from that dialog at all. You can only guess what they
were based on the final recurrence pattern that's saved in the item.
Thanks for your reply!

REgarding this scenario where I have an appointment that recurs every week
for 10 times stored in outlook.
My recurrence pattern will allways have an end date even if the "End by:
DATE" option is not selected. Is this right?

I cannot know if I have to store to my object the get_Ocurrences or the
get_PatternEndDate value, because get_PatternEndDate will always have a value
Its a little bit awkward. :S
I haven't analyzed that dialog and how the pattern gets displayed in many
years, so my recollections may be hazy.

The patterns that have a stop date won't show that in the dialog if you have
how many instances of the recurrence set. There are also some specific cases
where the pattern is set to say weekly or monthly and the dialog shows it as
a different pattern type.

You pretty much have to reverse engineer how the dialog shows a pattern by
changing settings, saving and checking the recurrence pattern to see how
things will display.
It depends on whether you set the EndTime property or Occurrences.
I don't think there is a way to distinguish between the two when *reading*
the recurrence pattern using the Outlook object Model alone.

Dmitry Streblechenko (MVP)
OutlookSpy - Outlook, CDO
and MAPI Developer Tool