Use TweakUI
[+] My Computer | UNCheck: Files stored on this computer |
Click Apply | Click OK
See below on how to get TweakUI.
Or see this on how to edit the registry...
Remove Shared Documents from My Computer (Windows XP)
The Shared Documents folder allows users to easily share files and
folders over a network. This restriction will remove the "Shared
Documents" object from My Computer.
Or get an automated registry edit here...
Read the instructions at the top.
197. Right hand side.
Remove Shared Documents
Or see this to use Group Policy if XP Pro...
Remove Shared Documents from My Computer
You can download TweakUI here...
Microsoft PowerToys for Windows XP
Tweak UI
This PowerToy gives you access to system settings that are not
exposed in the Windows XP default user interface, including
mouse settings, Explorer settings, taskbar settings, and more.
Version 2.10 requires Windows XP Service Pack 1 or above or Windows
Server 2003.
Scroll down the right hand side and look for...
Tweak UI
TweakUiPowertoySetup.exe is what you get.
If you have Windows XP without any Service Packs, download Version 2.00.