Ah- I worked it out (if anyone else was wondering)- if you add references to
10 assemblies in a project however only actually reference 8 of those
assemblies, only those 8 assemblies are packaged with the
executable/manifest, so only those 8 are returned by
GetReferencedAssemblies(). So where I want an assembly included, I have to
include an empty call to it, to ensure it's packaged. (If there's another
way, I'd be interested to know...)
fyi- re: the kind tip: timezones are not always as easy as the setting in
Windows- I've corrected it again, however it's unusual although does happen
for rogue software or other gremlins to unexpectedly return it back to the
default for some reason- the settings are not as firm as you'd sometimes
hope. It's far better than it was in the 90's, although still not perfect.