Hi Jon
There were originally two reasons for getting the XY coordinates in MouseMove Procedure
1. To probing or digitizing the chart area: you can tell the value without an existing data point or doing any visual interpolation between tick marks on axe
2. To be able to select a set of data points by drawing a ploygon around them: you want to use only those selected data points for regression analysis late
Either of above actions requires the XY coordinates in a chart's own coordinates defined by MinimumScale and MaximumScale properties. Since the values of X and Y set by MouseMove are distance in points from current mouse pointer to the edges of the active window's client area, which are also affected by zoom factor and scrollbar actions of the window, I do need to know some kind of properties that can relate coordinate systems between active window and active chart or it's child items. The .Left of Chart, CharArea, PlotArea, and Axes are all measurements relative to a Chart object (PaperSize - Margin). They don't help
Correct me if I am wrong. Thanks again
----- Jon Peltier wrote: ----
Why do you need the XY coordinates? Often there are easier ways to get
what you want
To get some relevant dimensions in the chart, check out the .left and
..top properties of the ChartArea object, and the .insideleft and
..insidetop properties of the PlotArea object
In fact, if you google the archives for my name and
"PlotArea.InsideLeft" you might find something useful
- Jo
Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MV
Peltier Technical Service
Allen wrote