Get Last Day of Month



Below I have code that finds a date in a cell like "200412". The line that
sets "sDateRange" returns "12/1/2004" which is correct. My problem is the
last line that sets sLastDayMonth variable.

For some reason, sLastDayMonth returns "1/12/1900" but I want it to return
What am I doing wrong?

Dim sDateRange As Date, sLastDayMonth As Date, cell As Range

Set cell = FindCell("To Period", Sheets(1).Cells).Offset(0, 2)
sDateRange = CDate(Right(cell.Value, 2) & "/" & (Left(cell.Value,
Len(cell) - 2)))
sLastDayMonth = CDATE(YEAR(sDateRange),MONTH(sDateRange)+1,0)


CDate takes a single string as it's argument. You want the DateSerial
function. It uses the 3 parts you specified...


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