Get it together MS - vista networking

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Sorry to the readers, but i wanted yet another post about this in the hopes
that the jackasses over on the MS windows team get how big of an issue this


Your knowledge base articles don't help, at all. This is completely
unacceptable and indicates completely the validity of the attitude within the
IT profession that anyone upgrading to a new MS OS out of the gate is crazy.
While the senior staff sit back pondering the slow adoption rate - point them
at these newsgroups.

You cannot continue to let these things slide through and arrogantly think
that you will retain market share and customer satisfaction. The lack of
such basic functionality such as obtaining copy speeds greater than 5 MB/sec
on a 100base network, is absolutely inexcusable.

Get it together.
If you provide more specific details about the repro setup you experience the
problem with, we might be able to look into that and advise whether some
settings might be adjusted or if there is a problem in the OS.
alright then, fair enough.

This occurs on a t43, t60, and desktop machine - all three have different
nics and wifi cards.

It occurs on 3 different routers (home) including a linksys 54gl with the
latest firmware.

I will stick to the t60 as that is the most recent.

Fresh install of the OS with the latest patches from windows update and
Lenovo. I attempted the copy prior to applying patches from either. it's a
core duo 2 ghz machine with an intel 3945 wireless lan card. I additionally
tried the offset checksum fix posted in the knowledge base article. In this
latest case, I am running to a beige box running an athlon 2500+ with an
intel nic (driver at the latest provided by microsoft) At this point I think
we can take the server out of the equation as neither my linux, xp, or mac
machines experience the same issue.
Using a command line is not a valid fix as it is not something i am willing
to do to copy files regularly on this machine. I can verify that a command
line copy was about 20% faster than through explorer, however it was still
far to slow. Over the wifi connection i receive at best 1.6MB/sec copy -
while dual booting on the same machine into xp yields results much greater.

The shares have been mapped in windows explorer, and mounted with net use
(as well as a simple admin share mount from the run box.The drivers have been
updated, the 770 patch has been applied. Files are being shared from 2
different machines, both running xp.

I have tried disabling, indexing, differential compression, ipv6, the
firewall, windows defender, just about every nonessential
service(temporarily). I have turned off autotuning via the command line,
turned off navigation in the explorer view, and the checksum offset fix for
the lan cards. No AV is running.

The result is receiving 6-7 MB/sec from the LAN (gigabit switch) and 1.5
MB/sec through wifi - set to g only in a native network, not mixed. I have
reset the router to factory defaults and turned off any encryption for the
sake of testing. The initial count up for copy where it calculates time
remaining takes forever - then the copy is extremely slow. I have also
disabled any power management on the nics, and set the wireless to very low
roaming with high transmit rate.

At this point, I strongly feel that if you want to reproduce this issue,
given how wide spread it is, you simply need to get your hands on a laptop -
run it in a home configuration to an xp machine. the issue is VERY obviously
a vista issue - and pretty non specific as far as hardware goes. Considering
the amount of posts about this very same issue in this group alone, i have a
hard time believing it has anything to do with specific hardware, but i'm
willing you listen if you have other suggestions.

I have heard it suggested that this issue is one that pertains to vista
relying on the samba v2 protocol, however some posts contradict that as they
state it occurs from vista to vista. I do not presently own two copies of
vista (thank god) so i can't verify that finding.

Again i can only restate that this has occurred on 3 different machines, 2
routers, wired and wireless, connecting to multiple shares, and no other os
oin the house has this issue - even on the exact same machines.

There are two knowledge base articles i have found on this, the 770 with the
proposed hotfix (doesn't work) and the one about slow network copies listing
4 work arounds (all tried and failed). I have also set a static ip, disabled
QoS on both machines, enabled rip listener and simple tcp/ip (and removed
them) turned off windows search, icon view, etc.

What other info would be helpful? I am sure there's a ton more in the other
10 posts about this issue if you'd like me to try and summarize... or paste
their content here to save you time. there are also ongoign threads at
arstechnica, slashdot, notebookforums, and numerous other sites.
Mee too same problem


Ultimate x64
Wifi Router U.S.Robotics 5461
Realtek 100mbps

Have gone thorough almost the same ordeal to understand wots cauing the
problem till ultimately now my network sharing itself is shut.

Now have another issue which I'v posted seperately. but for almost 1 and
half months I've been having the exact same problem.
Thank you for your description.

Would it be possible for you to make a network capture (using e.g. Microsoft
Netmon or some other tool, such as e.g. Ethereal) of an anonymized version
(addresses set to e.g. etc, file contents set to "0") of your data
transfer for both XP & Vista cases (same files transferred, 2 different
captures: 1 for XP, 1 for Vista - each showing at least 10 seconds - or ~50
megabytes of data transfer)?

Once you have those, please send a link to (e-mail address removed) if you
don't want to publish it here.
I will check with the legal department and if they ok, I will take a look at
these captures for diagnostics.
Sorry for the delay - I am willing to do that - however, as i would have to
reinstall Vista - can you check with legal prior to me putting a couple of
hours into it?

Are there any specific filters you are looking for - and do you want it in
conversation mode? I'm not worried about it being anonymous as it's all
APIPA - it would be irrelevant data. I will however limit it to specific
filters if you want.

BTW the new MS tool is quite nice... version 3.
Apologies for not looking into this thread for long - I was expecting the
data from you on email.

You don't need to filter anything or to enable conversations - just do
regular capture with either Netmon or Wireshark (Ethereal) preferrably in an
isolated environment (if you said it repros with APIPA, that probably means
you can isolate it to 2 machines on a hub and capture from the third machine
on the same hub - that would be ideal).

If you have further questions, please follow up by email.
Following is from some other folks who experienced similar problems as yours
(slow file copy with explorer, but ok with command line), Can you try the
tips below and see if it solves your problems?

Also, since you are using a gigabit switch, can you check that both the
server and Vista client are connected to the gigabit switch at the same
speed (preferably at 1Gbps). We have also heard of issues caused by
unmatched speed on Gigabit switchs (e.g., in at 1Gbps, and out at 100mbps).