I was after a code that gets me the IP Address of the current machine and
found a link to the following source code previously referred by Graham R
Seach to someone called Lee and worked for him;
I am finding difficulty in calling the value of the IP address to be
displayed in an unbound field in a form by using VB in Access 2003. Can
anybody help by providing me a very simple step by step instruction of how
this can be done? I would greatly appreciate the help. Thanks.
I was after a code that gets me the IP Address of the current machine and
found a link to the following source code previously referred by Graham R
Seach to someone called Lee and worked for him;
I am finding difficulty in calling the value of the IP address to be
displayed in an unbound field in a form by using VB in Access 2003. Can
anybody help by providing me a very simple step by step instruction of how
this can be done? I would greatly appreciate the help. Thanks.