Get event which call method

  • Thread starter Klaudiusz Bryja
  • Start date

Klaudiusz Bryja


I need to get event name which call method. How do I do this? For
example - I have button with subscribed Click event and e.g. GotFocus.
For both this events I have the same method which consume this event
(let's say eventOccured). In eventOccured method I need to get
information which event occured.

E.g. when I click on button I get in eventOccured that was fired by
Click event.

Is it possible to get this info? How to do this?

Best regards,

Marc Gravell

Well, a grungy way would be to walk the stack, but I'd just forward the
event-handlers to the inner method along with the extra info:

foo.Click += delegate {EventOccurred("Click");};
foo.GotFocus += delegate {EventOccurred("GotFocus");};

Where those strings could just as easily be an enum, and we could
optionally pass in the sender/args etc...


Klaudiusz Bryja

Well, a grungy way would be to walk the stack, but I'd just forward theevent-handlers to the innermethodalong with the extra info:

foo.Click += delegate {EventOccurred("Click");};
foo.GotFocus += delegate {EventOccurred("GotFocus");};

Where those strings could just as easily be an enum, and we could
optionally pass in the sender/args etc...



Thanks. It works perfect.


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