Christopher Lusardi
On the second call to the below method body, I get the error: A column
named 'Full Name' already belongs to this Data Table. In C++, what I
would do is either set col to null on exit from the method, or only do
the assignment if col is emply. Explicitly, how would I do these 2
things in VB?
Dim col As DataColumn
col = dsAdoSbs.Employees.Columns.Add("FullName",
Christopher Lusardi
named 'Full Name' already belongs to this Data Table. In C++, what I
would do is either set col to null on exit from the method, or only do
the assignment if col is emply. Explicitly, how would I do these 2
things in VB?
Dim col As DataColumn
col = dsAdoSbs.Employees.Columns.Add("FullName",
Christopher Lusardi