The owner info is held in the registry, which is why you can't find it
(took me ages to find that one out!) The key is in 'CurrentUser',
called 'ControlPanel\Owner' and the value you need is 'Owner'. It is
structured in the following way (I found this bit of info. on the web
- so thanks to who ever provided it originally).
Bytes Content
0-71 Name
72 - 143 Company Name
144 - 515 Address
516 - 565 Telephone
566 - 639 Email Address
If it's any help then here is a snippet of code that I use to pull out
the owner name (bear in mind that this is just a snippet - so you will
need to tweak it a bit!)
Petit Pal.
Const c_strNoNameString As String = "Unknown"
Const c_bytLengthOfOwnerName As Byte = 72
Dim objRegistry As New Registry
Dim strOwnerInfo As String
Dim strOwnerName As String
Dim bytEndOfName As Byte
Return "Emulator"
#End If
If objRegistry.GetStringValue("ControlPanel\Owner", "Owner",
strOwnerInfo) = objRegistry.ERROR_SUCCESS Then
strOwnerName = strOwnerInfo.Substring(0, 72)
bytEndOfName = Convert.ToByte(strOwnerName.IndexOf(Nothing))
If bytEndOfName > 0 Then
strOwnerName = strOwnerName.Substring(0, bytEndOfName)
End If
Return strOwnerName
Return c_strNoNameString
End If