Well, the way that I've found is ugly (I'm sure there's an elegant way to do it in Visual Basic), but for only a few links it's usable. Caveat: This behaviour might be due to settings that I don't understand, so I can't tell you they are there.
I'm using Word 2007 on Windows XP, and in Compatibility Mode
- Use the context menu (click in the hyperlink and left-click). Select Copy Hyperlink.
- Paste the hyperlink in a new paragraph. (Or use Control-C and Control-V.)
Though the display text for the two hyperlinks will be the same, the actual address text at the bottom of the Edit Hyperlink box is the absolute path (well, except that it's missing the file:/// prefix).
I use the keyboard shortcut Control-K to get to the edit hyperlink dialog box, but you can use the context menu.
You can see this behaviour more clearly if you use Alt-F9 to turn fields to field text. Suppose you have the field:
{HYPERLINK "../foo.doc"}
The braces there stand in for the field marker.
After you copy it, you paste the hyperlink in a new paragraph right below the first one. I see something like this:
{HYPERLINK "C:\\Documents and Settings\\username\\foo.doc"}
(The actual path depends on a bunch of other things, like what the address actually is and whether you have a hyperlink base set. My hint: Don't have a hyperlink base set.)
I know this is years since the last response, and still more years after the original request, but someone might be looking for the information. I believe but have not checked that it will work on 2010 too, and maybe 2011. No idea about 2013.