Get a new pc out of pcworld?

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Jan 17, 2008
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Hi first time here, i bought my pc from pc world around 4 years ago, and because i knew what computers were like i took out the insurance cover which has helped me with, 2 new fans, a motherboard, graphics card and PSU.

now i'm fed up with this computer what can i do to 'accidentally' damage it so instead of fixing it they'd just give me a voucher or something to get a whole new system? they nearly gave us a new one when just the fan needed replacing so i was wondering what can i do to it so they'd just tell me to go and pick a new one, i'm thinking of just taking out the HD and replacing it with a blank one of the same memory, make etc and just lobbing it down the stairs? :D

any idea's?

oh and i hate pc world because they charged me 500 pounds extra for absolutely nothing!
What you are sugesting is a crime . I advise you to go to the local police station and ask them for some advice on how you may carry out your plan .

ID 10T User

ben125uk said:
now i'm fed up with this computer what can i do to 'accidentally' damage it so instead of fixing it they'd just give me a voucher or something to get a whole new system?

oh and i hate pc world because they charged me 500 pounds extra for absolutely nothing!
I suggest you amend your post, what your asking us to do is help you commit a criminal offence.

As for charging you an extra £500 presume that was for the extended warranty that you seem to have used!

If you want help on buying a new pc that’s fine otherwise suggest you may be better of on another forum!

May be a Mod wants to lock this???
As others have rightly pointed out, this is illegal and costs people like us more on our own insurance!

Bye bye :)
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