George Hester
I would like to make a Sub that will return all the toolbars in Outlook
currently displaying with VBA. The reason why I'd like to do this is
because I have a COM called SpamBayes whose toolbar appears in the Outlook
User Interface. The way this works is it inspects each New Mail and if it
satisfies the criterion that the New Mail is spam it sends the e-mail to a
folder called Junk E-Mail. I have set up some code so that the ItemAdd
event for that folder will delete it entirely if the e-mail goes to that
folder. Works well.
But if some e-mail comes in that SpamBayes is unsure about the e-mail will
go to a folder called Junk Suspects. Then in the toolbar provided by
SpamBayes with the suspect e-mail selected, I can hit a buttom called Spam
which sends the e-mail to the Junk E-Mail folder and the Bayesian criteria
is satisfied. If it is not Spam I hit the button in the toolbar called Not
Spam and the selected e-mail is put back in the Inbox. Both these buttons
appear when the e-mail is in the Junk Suspects and is in that current folder
but otherwise the button Spam always appears.
What I would like to do is push the button Spam programatically that the
selected e-mail (the item) is Junk E-Mail. It's ok this thing works pretty
good so that 99% of all suspected e-mail is in fact Spam.
But I think I need to know what the caption is for this toolbar. If I know
that maybe I can hit the button programatically which will set the e-mail as
spam and my other program will get rid of it. So is there a way to get a
description (the caption) of each of the toolbars currently displaying in
Outlook? Thanks.
currently displaying with VBA. The reason why I'd like to do this is
because I have a COM called SpamBayes whose toolbar appears in the Outlook
User Interface. The way this works is it inspects each New Mail and if it
satisfies the criterion that the New Mail is spam it sends the e-mail to a
folder called Junk E-Mail. I have set up some code so that the ItemAdd
event for that folder will delete it entirely if the e-mail goes to that
folder. Works well.
But if some e-mail comes in that SpamBayes is unsure about the e-mail will
go to a folder called Junk Suspects. Then in the toolbar provided by
SpamBayes with the suspect e-mail selected, I can hit a buttom called Spam
which sends the e-mail to the Junk E-Mail folder and the Bayesian criteria
is satisfied. If it is not Spam I hit the button in the toolbar called Not
Spam and the selected e-mail is put back in the Inbox. Both these buttons
appear when the e-mail is in the Junk Suspects and is in that current folder
but otherwise the button Spam always appears.
What I would like to do is push the button Spam programatically that the
selected e-mail (the item) is Junk E-Mail. It's ok this thing works pretty
good so that 99% of all suspected e-mail is in fact Spam.
But I think I need to know what the caption is for this toolbar. If I know
that maybe I can hit the button programatically which will set the e-mail as
spam and my other program will get rid of it. So is there a way to get a
description (the caption) of each of the toolbars currently displaying in
Outlook? Thanks.