Hi again,
The code Im using to read the file is I think pretty straightforward:
Private Sub DoOpenFile(ByVal ThisFile As String)
Dim Line As String
Dim sr As System.IO.StreamReader = New
System.IO.StreamReader(ThisFile, True)
Line = sr.ReadLine()
Catch Ex As Exception
MsgBox("Error reading file" & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & Ex.Message,
MsgBoxStyle.Critical Or MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, "Error")
Exit Sub
End Try
Line = DoFormatLine(Line)
FileName = ThisFile
Editor.ReadOnly = False
Me.Text = "Editing " & FileName
End Sub
The text is created in an editor (MultiEdit) and looks like this:
FTX+AAK+1++Es bestehen Vereinbarungen, aus denen sich nachträgliche
Minderungen :des Entgelts ergeben können.+DE
When I open this in my app, it suddenly looks like this:
FTX+AAK+1++Es bestehen Vereinbarungen, aus denen sich nachtr�gliche
Minderungen :des Entgelts ergeben k�nnen.+DE
After your message I added the TRUE parameter in the streamreader
(detect encoding) and set the form's language to German... To no effect.